Nov 22, 2011

It is amusing how people call me up whenever a dark topic such as death appears. I should think those thoughts are best written in a private notebook, kept away from the eyes of others. But, you see, one wants to be read; and then one doesn't want to be read, if reading amounts to an attempt at understanding a person. Then the calls and text messages come through, and the author loses his mystery with every explanation of "I'm good, I'm doing well, that was nothing, just a thought." And one day when he really kills himself, it is only because nobody can or knows how to help anybody; talking solves nothing.

The man thinks about what it is like to be on his death-bed at seventy: "I'll probably conclude that my whole life is stupid, and then die." Better that one dies abruptly in an accident, so there isn't time for stupid conclusions.

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