Oct 20, 2011

Seven o'clock.

It was dark in his room when he woke up. The clock showed seven but he could not remember falling asleep. A dreadful idea seized his mind. I would die, he thought, at seven o'clock. He hugged his bolster tightly and turned to his side. Yesterday, at seven, he had seen the same darkness. It had given him the nausea, so he decided to do something about it. No more darkness at seven o'clock. But it came again today, and he could not help it. Finally after ten minutes, he sat up and told himself that it wouldn't matter much whether he died, he'd still have to make that final effort to take his own life. I haven't such strength, he said, as he crossed the room to turn on the light.

Camus' Notebooks: The old English lady commits suicide. In her diary, for months, she noted the same thing every day: "Today, nobody came."

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